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Can you Trust the Advice of an IFA – Doing your DD on your Adviser

Whilst many clients will require both one-off consulting and regular financial advice, the question as to whether you can trust the advice from your IFA is a key consideration for many first time and repeat customers alike.


Whether you are looking to physically meet a high street IFA and assess them in person or access financial advice online, there are a number of considerations to take into account when engaging a traditional high street or digital IFA.


Whist there are always exceptions, the advice of an IFA is regulated and compliant – there is a huge degree of oversight and also a well established point of recourse in case the advice is poor.


There are a number of quick and easy steps however to ensure that your selected IFA’s are who they say they are and can ultimately help you deliver the anticipated results for your assets, including:


  • Companies House: A quick check on companies house will establish that the company and its directors are who they say they are. To access Companies House Webcheck, please click here.
  • Financial Services Register: The Financial Services Register (FSR) is an invaluable tool and allows you to search for a host of information that can prove an IFA’s compliance. To access the FSR please click here.
  • Check the Internet / Background Checks: An open-source check on your IFA via an online search engine will allow you to find out a lot more about the reputation and competency of your selected IFA.
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